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How to Fix a White Betta Fish That’s Turning Pink?

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Betas are exquisite fish that are a popular choice for many aquarists. They belong to the cichlid family, and you can find them in many different colors of the rainbow. White bettas are almost unheard of in the wild, but they’re becoming increasingly common as pets. Their white color results from a mutation called leucism. However, there is a problem with white betas – they often turn pink. This phenomenon has several possible causes: If you buy betta fish online that’s turning pink, read on for advice about how to fix it.

Potential Problems Causing White Bettas to Turn Pink

There are several potential causes for white bettas to turn pink. The most likely culprits are bacterial infection and disease, a change in diet, or a water quality issue. Genetics could be involved, but it’s unlikely given the rarity of white bettas in the wild.

Bacterial Infection and Disease – White bettas are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections. Poor water quality and inadequate diet can cause the betta to become susceptible to disease and infection, leading to a pink tinge.

A Change in Diet May Be Causing the Issue – Bettas are carnivores, but many pet owners will feed them a predominantly vegetarian diet. A betta’s digestive tract must be acclimated to digest plant matter, and it’s possible that a sudden change in diet can cause a pink tinge.

Genetics May Be Involved

Genetics could be involved in the pink tinge on white bettas. However, as white bettas are very rare in the wild, it’s unlikely that they’re the cause. White bettas are much more common in captivity, and therefore it’s more likely that genetics is behind the pink tinge. If you own a white beta that has turned pink, it might be worth investigating whether this is the cause.

A Change in Diet May Be Causing the Issue

If a change in diet is causing the pink tinge on a white betta, then it’s likely that the fish will shed the pink coloration once it’s acclimatised to digesting meat. As such, you can feed your white betta a predominantly meat-based diet while it acclimatised to its new diet. However, you should feed the betta a balanced diet, as a diet high in protein can be harmful.

Bacterial Infection and Disease

If your white betta is showing symptoms of bacterial infection or disease, you’ll need to treat the cause of the infection. Some antibiotics can be used to treat infection, but you should seek veterinary advice before giving your betta antibiotics. You must also treat the cause of the infection. If your betta is kept in poor water conditions, it can become susceptible to a bacterial infection that causes a pink tinge. Bettas kept in unclean water can quickly succumb to an infection that can be fatal.


White bettas are fascinating fish, but they can pose some problems for owners. White bettas are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections, and they can turn pink due to a change in diet. If your white betta is turning pink, you’ll want to make sure that it’s receiving clean water and a balanced diet to prevent infection.

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