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How to wear leggings in style?

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Have a stack of leggings in your closet but don’t know how to pair them with the rest of your wardrobe? You are not alone! Leggings are one of the most comfortable apparels made for women till now. Despite having a fantastic collection of leggings online, it gets challenging sometimes to decipher how to style your leggings and what to wear with them. So if you feel hesitant to try different types of leggings or want to update your style, this article is for you! Continue reading and find out the top 5 fashion tips on how to put together those cute leggings and look super stylish.

Top 5 styling tips for leggings

Shirts and leggings

When pairing a shirt with leggings, always go for long shirts because they will cover your behind and make you look elegant and presentable. This versatile combination is perfect for almost all occasions (not for a wedding, duh!). But you can try this casual outfit in springtime, to office, college, outings with friends, road trips or even on a date. Complete this attire with a pair of flats, boots or booties and a simple belt, and you are good to go.

Long length sweaters and leggings

Styling leggings with a long length sweater are perfect for colder months. Black leggings are a staple of every woman’s wardrobe; you also must be having one. Right? Winters have arrived, so take it out and pair it with a grey, off-white, white or any coloured cardigan and flaunt this chic style with grace. Under your sweater, you can play with colours and bold patterns that complement your outfit well. You can also pair a long sweater dress with leggings, though most women prefer wearing tights with dresses. You can try this style!

Try a monochromatic look.

Imagine a girl with black leggings, a black coat with a high neck, a black high heel pumps. Alluring? Go for a high neck and high heels only if you are petite and want to create a more elongated look. Otherwise, you can try matching booties or casual sneakers with this laid back street style. This looks fantastic, no matter what type of structure you have.

Leggings as pants or tights

Of course, leggings are not pants or tights, but they can be. Gone are the days when leggings were constricted to activewear. Leggings have become much more than just a pair of workout pants for current divas. Leggings have come with a blend of comfort and style in one clothing. But don’t forget to be mindful while wearing your leggings.

Puffer coat and leggings

A Puffer coat and leggings make up the coziest and comfy look for winter. Moreover, this is the most practical trend these days and super affordable. Yes! When choosing this style, you can play with bright colours, patterns and bold prints. Again, this versatile look goes well with all leggings, from coloured to bold prints and leather. 

Are leggings in style for 2021-22?

Obviously! Leggings are chic, fashion-forward, easy-to-style, on-trend and functional clothing items. It would not be wrong to say that leggings are here to stay for long. If you buy leggings online, you are sure to be amazed by the exclusive collection of leggings available. From simple lycra leggings to leather, suede, faux leather, split hem and printed leggings, there is something for every fashionable and less athleisure wear look. So what are you waiting for? Browse the internet and find your style with this wardrobe staple.

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