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UCAT Examination, Preparation, and Expected Questions

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Introduction to UCAT – University Clinical Aptitude Test. 

It is an examination taken by undergraduates who wish to study medicine or dentistry in the United Kingdom. 

The UCAT is used by universities as part of their selection process for these degree programmes. 

The UCAT is a 2-hour computer-based test that consists of five sections: 

  1. Verbal Reasoning
  2. Quantitative Reasoning
  3. Abstract Reasoning
  4. Decision Making
  5. Situational Judgment

The UCAT is not a pass/fail test, but your score will be used as part of your overall application. 

You can prepare for the UCAT by familiarizing yourself with the types of questions that will be asked and by practicing timed tests under exam conditions. 

There are a number of UCAT preparation courses available, which can be taken either online or in person. 

Here are some example UCAT questions: 

Verbal Reasoning: 

Which of the following words has the same meaning as ‘laconic’? 

a) Talkative

b) Brief

c) Eloquent

d) Loquacious

Quantitative Reasoning: 

A box contains 10 red balls and 20 blue balls. If a ball is chosen at random from the box, what is the probability that the ball will be red? 

a) 0.5

b) 0.25

c) 0.333

d) 0.2

Abstract Reasoning: 

Which of the following figures completes the series? 

Decision Making: 

You are a doctor working in an Accident and Emergency department. You are treating a patient who has multiple injuries, including a broken leg, a broken arm and a head injury. The patient is also pregnant. You must prioritize the order in which you treat the patient’s injuries. Which of the following is the correct order of priority? 

a) Head injury, broken leg, broken arm, pregnancy

b) Broken leg, head injury, broken arm, pregnancy

c) Head injury, broken arm, broken leg, pregnancy

d) Broken arm, head injury, broken leg, pregnancy

Situational Judgment: 

You are a junior doctor working on a busy ward. One of your patients is a young child who has been admitted with a respiratory infection. The child’s parents are very worried and are constantly asking you for updates on their child’s condition. You are also trying to treat other patients on the ward. How should you respond to the parents? 

a) Assure them that you will keep them updated and ask them to trust you

b) Explain that you are very busy but you will try to give them updates when you can

c) Tell them that you will update them as soon as you have more information

d) Ask them to speak to the ward sister about their child’s condition

Should you go with UCAT preparation?

By familiarizing yourself with the types of UCAT Question Bank that will be asked in the UCAT, you can reduce anxiety on test day and improve your score. UCAT preparation courses can also help you to understand the test format and learn strategies for tackling each section. 

Preparing for the UCAT - Crimson Education US

The UCAT is used by universities as part of their selection process for medicine and dentistry degree programs. It is not a pass/fail test, but your score will be used as part of your overall application. 

You can prepare for the UCAT by familiarizing yourself with the types of questions that will be asked and by practicing timed tests under exam conditions. There are a number of UCAT preparation courses available, which can be taken either online or in person.  The UCAT is taken by around 50,000 applicants each year. 

Successful preparation for UCAT can be summarized in five key steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the test format and question types

2. Build your knowledge with practice questions and mock tests

3. Understand your strengths and weaknesses

4. Develop a time management strategy

5. Practice under exam conditions

Important tips in detail to keep in mind for UCAT success

1. Get to know the test format

The UCAT is a 2-hour computer-based test that consists of five sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Decision Making and Situational Judgement.

Familiarising yourself with the test format will help you to use your time effectively on test day.

2. Build your knowledge

The best way to prepare for the UCAT is to familiarise yourself with the types of questions that will be asked.

There are a number of UCAT practice books and online resources available. Use these to build your knowledge and understanding of the test content.

3. Understand your strengths and weaknesses

After completing some practice questions, you will start to get a feel for the types of questions that you find easy and those that you find more difficult.

It is important that you focus your preparation on your weaker areas. This will help you to maximise your score on test day.

4. Develop a time management strategy

The UCAT is a timed test, so it is important that you develop a time management strategy.

Start by timing yourself on practice questions. This will help you to get a feel for how long you can spend on each question.

UCAT Practice Test 2022 FREE - UCAT Questions - UCAT Exam Prep

Then, move on to time mock tests. This will help you to fine-tune your time management strategy and ensure that you are able to complete the test within the time limit.

5. Practice under exam conditions

To really simulate the test day experience, it is important that you practice taking the UCAT under exam conditions.

This means sitting the test in a quiet room with no distractions. This will help you to focus and ensure that you are able to complete the test within the time limit.


The UCAT is a 2-hour computer-based test that is used by universities as part of their selection process for medicine and dentistry degree programs. The UCAT is not a pass/fail test, but your score will be used as part of your overall application. 

You can prepare for the UCAT by familiarizing yourself with the types of questions that will be asked and by practicing timed tests under exam conditions. There are a number of UCAT preparation courses available, which can be taken either online or in person. 

The best way to prepare for the UCAT is to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that will be asked. Use UCAT practice books and online resources to build your knowledge and understanding of the test content. After completing some practice questions, focus your preparation on your weaker areas. 

It is also important that you develop a time management strategy and practice taking the UCAT under exam conditions. This will help you to focus and ensure that you are able to complete the test within the time limit.

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