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How to Check That Your RCD Testers Are Working Properly

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It’s important that you know your RCD testers are in proper working order. Effective RCD maintenance can help you ensure an electrically safe environment, whether you are at work or at home.

Checking your RCD testers is simple when you know what you’re doing. Following just a few easy steps, you can stay up to date with regular safety procedures and make sure that you’re always protected against electrical risks, such as electric shock, electrical fire, and electrocution.

Are you unsure of how to check your RSD testers? Here’s a quick and easy guide to everything you need to know.

What is an RCD?

And RCD, or residual current device, is a safety switch used to measure the flow of electricity from connected circuits.

RCDs are an important electrical installation. These devices are designed to detect imbalances that may occur in an electrical current. A working RCD can switch off a faulty electrical system that may otherwise cause damage or pose a risk for personal injury.

Why you need RCDs

No matter where you live or work, a working RCD switch could save your life.

RCD devices are designed to automatically detect dangerous electrical currents travelling anywhere other than through the RCD itself. This means that the RCD can instantly turn off electricity when a live wire or metal object is touched by person.

This automatic switch-off system allows RCD technology to drastically reduce the risk of electrical hazards, including life-threatening electrocution events.

How to test your RCDs

Checking that your RCD tester is working properly is essential if you want to maintain a safe environment. Fortunately, checking your RCDs is easy!

First, turn off all sensitive electronic devices in your home or workspace. This may include TVs, computers, and charging mobile devices.

Next, check that the RCD switch is in the on position. Press the test button on the switch to simulate a leakage fault. Push the button just once and release, not holding it down.

If your RCD switch is operating correctly, it will instantly detect the simulated fault and will cut off power to all connect circuits. If this occurs, you RCD is working well. You can turn your RCD back to the on position, and it will reset.

If your RCD doesn’t detect the simulator leakage event, your RCD tester might be faulty. Common RCD faults include not resetting after the test, not tripping when the test button is used, tripping too slowly instead of delivering an instant response, or the switch feeling loose after the test is complete.

What next?

It’s best to test your RCD switches regularly so that you can detect new faults as and when they occur before they pose a health and safety risk. If possible, try to test your RCD switches on a weekday morning, giving you plenty of time to call for an electrician if needed.

If your RCD is working correctly, you don’t need to do anything else. Plan to test your switch again in the future to ensure that everything continues to operate as it should.

If your RCD test reveals a fault, it’s important that you seek professional help. Contact a qualified electrician who can re-test your RCD switch, identify any faults present, and resolve the issue so that your home or workspace remains as safe as possible.

Do you need new RCD testers? Shop now at the RS online store! 

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