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How to write a review

Table of Contents


Make a headline that says something about your book or reading experience. A headline should make others want to read the review and buy essay online cheap.


Briefly about genre: Is it a fantasy book, crime, horror, drama, humour…?

SHORT table of contents. No more than three to four sentences. Name the most important thing. For example, grades or events. Do not reveal the end!

If the book is part of a series then it should be mentioned.

(It is common to mention title, author and publisher. But on it has already been mentioned.)


How does the book start? Captivating, immersive or slow? Does it start right into action or descriptive?

How is the voltage curve and high point / turning point, are there any surprises or is the action predictable?

How does the book end? Sudden, unexpected, expected, surprising?

Was the book difficult to put down?

Is it inner or outer tension, easy to recognize oneself in, easy to live into?

What made you live into the action (or not)? The environmental depictions, the characters, the plot?

DO NOT USE THE WORD BORING – use the thesaurus and find other words instead.

Words that can describe the experience: gripping, believable, surprising, funny, nasty, slow. Does the author deliberately provoke?

Does the book work as a whole? Do the beginning, the end and the middle fit together? Do the language and the characters match the plot?


Is it similar to other books you have read or heard of, is it creative and imaginative or is it clichéd?

After Twilight , it became very popular with books / movies about vampires and werewolves. Is this book part of a trend?

Does the book make you look at ordinary events with new eyes?


Is the story probable or is it not realistic what is happening? Also think about grades and environment.

In fairy tales there are trolls. And in a fantasy book, it is likely that wizards with magical powers will appear. In these cases, you need to ask yourself if it is credible within the genre and the book’s narrative. Not compared to reality. Do you think magic works?


Was the book easy to read – why or why not?

Short or long sentences, boring, dead or surprising, exciting, original?

Is there a lot of swearing, dialect words and lines or is the language more descriptive with linguistic images, metaphors, etc.?

Do you think the language used fits the content of the book?

Is it written in a way that makes it particularly interesting?


What is this book really about? Why do you think the author wrote it?

Does the book have something important to say to you writing, something important to say to others or does it give you something to think about?

Does the book say anything about being young, or does it say something that young people need / like to read about?

What is the strength of the book? Or the best thing about the book?

What is the book’s weakness? What annoyed you?

Should others read the book?

Should the book be nominated for the Uprisen?

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