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Why Self-care is a Must for Parents of Special Needs Children

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Gold coast is one of the major cities in Australia, having a population of over 635,000. According to the Survey of Disability, Ageing, and Careers (SDAC), 6.6 per cent of the children and the young residents of Gold Coast aged between 0-24 require physical or mental health support due to a disability. For parents who have special needs children, taking care of the kids, providing medical care, schooling and parenting can be exhausting.  Disability services in Gold Coast aim at providing support, guidance and resources to the child and the parent to ensure that the child grows up healthily.

Challenges Faced by Parents Raising Special Needs Children

Accessibility and Facilities for Special Needs

One of the biggest challenges that people with physical or mental challenges face is accessibility and an adaptive environment. The list is endless- from the lack of ramps, adequate toilet provisions, uneven footpaths, narrow lanes, standardised schooling, daycare, etc. Lack of such facilities can make the child and the parents feel isolated as they can’t go to the park, the ice cream shop or other places they love.

Understanding, Empathy and Support from Others

Living in a society of people who do not have a comprehensive understanding, empathy or concern about the challenges faced by the family can be daunting and frustrating. The issue could be with the neighbourhood children bullying the special needs child, communication issues, not being able to play or attend birthday parties, or strangers staring when the child has a meltdown in the supermarket. Experiencing empathy and understanding from the people around can make all the difference for the parents.


It can be very difficult for parents of children with special needs to find other parents or friends who can empathise with their situation. It helps to interact with people who get what they are going through. Apart from this, due to the child’s needs, they might not get the opportunity to socialise with other friends and family as often as others, especially if they are not supportive, which might make them feel isolated.

Exhaustion and Stress

Parenting a child with special needs comes with its set of unique responsibilities, rewards and stressors. Parents require higher emotional resilience, resourcefulness, patience, perseverance, drive to nurture, protect and empower the child to learn and develop to be confident and independent. This process and the reality of frustrating limitations posed by the world could lead them to feel a sense of isolation, anger, grief, distraught and guilt. Lack of sleep, nutrition, break, work-life balance, support and company could induce it more. Disability services in Gold Coast help such parents balance their lives better and get the assistance they need to lead healthy lives for themselves and their children.

How Can Parents of Special Needs Take Care?

Head Outside

With all the housework and the parenting taking up the time, parents might not step out of their house often, except to run errands. This situation could affect their fitness and health. So, even if it is during the child’s therapy session, school or nap time, parents must step outside and breathe in some fresh air, meet people and experience the sun to refresh the mood.

Blow Off Steam with Music and Dance

Music can be a transcending experience as it helps people relax and feel happier as they move to soothing tunes. If one cannot play them loudly on speakers, they can have them on their headphones during the self-care time.

Get Good Food and Sleep

Parents must not forget to take in their daily dose of wholesome food and required sleep as they focus on the child’s health. They can set a timetable to ensure that they get enough food and fluids.

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