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Why Spiders May Invade Your Basement

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In general, basements are used for storing your belongings, not spiders. However, a basement can have a dark, cluttered environment that can attract spiders. Spiders are common to people in Irvine. The majority of them are harmless to humans and animals. However, when left unchecked, a few spiders can turn into a serious infestation. So, to ensure your basement does not become a home to spiders, you must know what draws these pests to this area of your house. Also, you should visit a pest control company’s website to know the services you can avail to get rid of spiders from your home. The following are what spiders love about basements:


Spiders can overtake your basement due to the presence of dark, quiet corners where they can set up camp. Spiders prefer to be isolated, so they tend to build their webs in poorly lit, undisturbed areas. Also, they are usually active at night. 

When a house spider has established a home in your basement, they become a lifelong housemate. When allowed, house spiders will continuously raise generations of spiders inside your property. To discourage these pests from hunting, mating, and creating webs, consider installing LED lights. Spiders will stop their activity to avoid detection by predators. Until you can hire a pest control expert to handle a spider infestation, you can set up LED light fixtures to keep spiders at bay.

Eliminate Clutter and Dirt

Spiders love clutter as it offers them extra protection against predators. Also, clutter provides them with a framework for weaving cobwebs that they can use for trapping prey, traveling, and encasing their egg sacs. Typically, female spiders store their egg sacs in dark locations to make sure their offspring survive. A female spider can lay thousands of eggs in her lifetime. 

Moreover, cluttered cellars collect dirt and dust that draw other pests such as small flies, booklice, and carpet beetles. Spiders find these pests appetizing. Although a spider-infested space requires more than just a cleanup to address the problem, you can handle the problem by vacuuming cobwebs, organizing or get rid of clutter, moving items like gardening supplies or firewood outside, and spraying repellents around the infested area. 


A home with poor ventilation may experience moisture and humidity problems in the basement. A moist space can be a source of water and food for spiders. Damp cellars can promote the growth of mold and mildew in wall or flooring cracks, pipes, and inside drainage systems. 

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