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Is Wordle Available in Different Languages?

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Wordle is a popular online game where players have to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. Since its launch, Wordle has gained a massive following and has become a sensation on social media. However, the game’s language has been a concern for many non-native English speakers who may find it challenging to play the game due to language barriers. In this article, we’ll explore whether Wordle is available in different languages or not.

What is Wordle?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s briefly discuss what Wordle is. Wordle is a word-guessing game where players have to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. The game has gained a massive following due to its simplicity, addictive nature, and the challenge it provides. Each time a player enters a guess, the game shows which letters are correct, which letters are in the word but in the wrong position, and which letters are not in the word at all. Players use this feedback to guess the correct word within the six attempts.

Is Wordle Available in Different Languages?

Unfortunately, as of writing this article, Wordle today is only available in English. The game’s creator, Jonathan Feinberg, has not announced any plans to release the game in different languages. Therefore, players who are not native English speakers may find it challenging to play the game due to the language barrier.

Why is Wordle Only Available in English?

There could be several reasons why Wordle is only available in English. One possible reason is that the game’s creator, Jonathan Feinberg, is an American software developer who may have developed the game for an English-speaking audience. Another reason could be that developing the game in different languages could be time-consuming and require a significant investment of resources, which may not be feasible for a free game like Wordle.

Can Players Use Translators to Play Wordle?

Players who do not speak English fluently may wonder whether they can use translators to play the game. While it’s technically possible to use translators, it’s not recommended as it may not provide accurate translations. Wordle requires players to guess words that are commonly used in the English language, which may not have direct translations in other languages. Therefore, players who use translators may not be able to guess the correct word, even with six attempts.

What Can Non-Native English Speakers Do?

If you’re a non-native English speaker who enjoys playing NYT Wordle, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of guessing the correct word. Firstly, you can try to improve your English language skills by using language-learning apps or taking English courses. Secondly, you can use online resources such as dictionaries and thesauruses to expand your English vocabulary. Lastly, you can play the game with friends who are fluent in English, who can assist you in understanding the game’s rules and providing you with hints.


In conclusion, Wordle is only available in English, which may be a barrier for non-native English speakers. While it’s possible to use translators to play the game, it’s not recommended as it may not provide accurate translations. Therefore, non-native English speakers who enjoy playing Wordle can improve their language skills, expand their English vocabulary, and play the game with friends who are fluent in English.


Is Wordle available in any other language besides English?

As of writing this article, Wordle is only available in English.

Why is Wordle only available in English?

The game’s creator, Jonathan Feinberg, has not announced any plans to release the game in different languages.

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